Exercise of any form can benefit the heart. Physical activity anyday is better than leading a sedentary life which increases cardiovascular disease risks among people. Not keeping the ticker in good shape can lead to the occurrence of life-threatening emergencies like a cardiac arrest or heart attack. Victims involved in such emergencies would require immediate treatment for survival. Proper administration of the CPR techniques is the most appropriate treatment in out-of-hospital cardiac emergencies.
The procedures involve chest compressions and rescue breaths. For a CPR certification Louisville course, make sure to sign up in an accredited training center such as the AHA certified CPR Louisville. Both theoretical and practical training are imparted to the students.
Interval training involves simply alternating a low-intensity activity (such as walking) with short bursts (for example, 30 to 90 seconds) of a higher-intensity activity (such as running) throughout the workout session. Some of the benefits are:
1. Interval training can enable you in burning more calories in less time.
2. Improve your cardiovascular endurance, or aerobic capacity with interval training which will help your heart and lungs to function more efficiently.
3. Interval training helps pass the time you are exercising by keeping your mind busy during the activity.
It is very important to consult your doctor prior to starting with any exercise routine which all the more holds true for interval training as it is not for everyone.
1. An individual should not go for interval training if he or she has a chronic health condition or has not been exercising regularly.
2. Only when you get clearance from a doctor, that you can begin interval training slowly with adding only one or two bursts of a higher–intensity activity in your exercise session. Try walking and then adding 30 to 60 seconds of walking faster. Then return to a slower walking pace, if you are a beginner. On the other hand, people in good shape should try walking more briskly and then adding 30 to 90 seconds of light jogging, as tolerated. Then return to a brisk walk.
3. Guidance from a physical therapist, exercise physiologist or certified personal trainer can prove to be highly beneficial who can recommend and oversea an appropriate interval training schedule so that you can make the most out of it.
Time and again we have mentioned about the need to consult an expert before beginning with an exercise routine because although there are many health benefits of physical activity, it is not without risks, including musculoskeletal injury, arrhythmia, heart attack and rare sudden cardiac death. The benefits of physical activity outweigh the risks, in most cases. People with coronary disease who exercise are overall less likely to have a heart attack than those people with coronary disease who do not exercise.
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